Heart disease risk exacerbated by diabetes in Iran

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Adults in Iran with diabetes, especially men, have a risk of coronary heart disease similar to non-diabetics with a history of heart disease, new research indicates.

Women with diabetes and who had previous coronary heart disease had the worst prognosis, with eight times greater risk of having a coronary event. Men with diabetes and previous coronary heart disease were at four times greater risk.

The findings reinforce the urgent need for intensive care and prophylactic treatment for cardiovascular diseases, the study concluded.

1. Hadaegh F, Fahimfar N, Khalili D, et al. New and known type 2 diabetes as coronary heart disease equivalent: results from 7.6 year follow up in a middle east population. Cardiovascular Diabetology 2010; 9: 84. (open access)

Severe depression, unhealthy diet and heart attack risk in Iran

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A study from Iran demonstrates a link between severe depression and heart attack risk. Furthermore, major depression is associated with an uhealthy diet and cardiovascular disease risk factors such as overweight and high levels of cholesterol and blood pressure. An unhealthy diet and CVD risk factors, in turn, are likely to further increase the risk of heart attack.

After the war between Iran and Iraq between 1980 and 1988, psychological illness increased and it is reported that 60,000 Iranians suffer from such conditions. There is a high incidence of suicide, believed to reflect the high levels of depression in Iran.

1. Yary T, Soleimannejad K, Rahim FA, et al. Contribution of diet and major depression to incidence of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Lipids in Health and Disease 2010; 9: 133. (0pen access)